Sunday, November 25, 2018

Apply Lessons From US Military Training

Apply Lessons From US Military Training

"If we do go to war, psychological operations are going to be absolutely a critical, critical part of any campaign that we must get involved in." - General H. Norman Schwarzkopf

The U.S. Military knows that survival is a mentality or a way of thinking.  The same can be said about thriving.  The lens that you use to view the world plays a big role in the results that you obtain through your efforts.  Thus, you must align your consistent outlook for surviving and thriving with proven approaches to surviving and thriving in tough times if you are to break away from the grasp and momentum of your major challenges.

In his book, The Survivor's Club, Ben Sherwood opens with a prologue about his experience participating in a dramatic survival training exercise at the U.S. Marine's Aviation Survival Training Center.  As a journalist, he is not only able to experience the training but vividly report on the experience and share the key lessons for us to apply in other potential survival situations.

Based on the experience, he found several keys to the approach that the U.S. Military uses in training their personnel for survival:

They understand that crisis is inevitable and you must anticipate adversity and crisis if you are to have the best chances for survival
When faced with adversity or challenges, they train personnel to observe and analyze the situation, devise a plan, and decisively take action - this all must be done quickly because, in most crisis situations, time is of the essence
If (and most likely when) things go wrong, survivors must be trained to adapt and improvise, not panic
If (and probably when) you get overwhelmed, you have to recover quickly.  Thus, recovery strategies and approaches must be close to automatic reactions
Waiting for the worst to end is a critical strategic and tactical option that most likely will be needed.  Frozen panic will kill you but so will overly aggressive action at the wrong time!  People must be trained to hold back, identify right moment, and then do what is gives them the best chance to survive
"Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe, to assure the survival and success of liberty." - President John F. Kennedy
During times of great universal challenge or major personal crisis, the above approaches will help you not only survive, they can help you find the hidden opportunity to thrive by working through your adversity.  If you panic, wish things were not happening or it were just easier, you will significantly reduce your chances of creating something positive from your experiences.  And during those most severe crisis situations, you just may not survive!

Defense News

Saturday, November 24, 2018

Configuración de límites y resolución de conflictos

Configuración de límites y resolución de conflictos

¿Qué tiene que ver la configuración de límites con la resolución de conflictos? Resulta más de lo que piensas. ¿Cómo responde usted típicamente al conflicto? Si tiene tendencia a la rebelión o al cumplimiento, es probable que no haya tenido mucha práctica en establecer límites. Claramente, la configuración de límites no suele ser una parte de la educación de un niño. Más bien, los niños están condicionados a no establecer límites como una forma de evitar las reacciones negativas de los demás. La capacidad de establecer límites, de cuidarse a sí mismo, comienza con la creencia de que vale la pena cuidar de su “yo”.

Si ha aprendido que cuidarse a sí mismo resulta en conflicto, rechazo o abandono, es probable que evite cuándo necesita establecer un límite, en lugar de arriesgarse. Además, es probable que haya tenido una escasez de buenos modelos a seguir. La mayoría de los adultos tienden a caer en una de dos categorías: excavadoras o felpudos.

El grito de batalla de los bulldozers es “a mi manera o la carretera”. Creen que tienen el derecho de que sus necesidades sean atendidas y atendidas a expensas de todos los demás. Los felpudos son “buenos” chicos. Son muy complacientes y lo hacen a expensas de sus propias necesidades. Ninguno de estos patrones realmente se trata de establecer límites. El establecimiento de límites siempre toma en cuenta las propias necesidades y se basa en una comunicación honesta y directa (en lugar de en la manipulación y la clarividencia).

Cosas que debes saber sobre el establecimiento de límites

- Las personas buenas y decentes establecen límites. Establecer límites te hace una persona segura. La gente sabe dónde están parados contigo. Los límites son la forma en que nos cuidamos a nosotros mismos. Tenemos tanto el derecho como el deber de protegernos y defendernos.

- La gente generosa establece límites. Si no establece límites, se está regalando. Con los límites solo da lo que quiere, lo que significa que puede permitirse ser generoso con más personas durante un período de tiempo más largo.

- Los límites permiten que otros crezcan. Porque hace que otros estén conscientes de su comportamiento, lo que les permite cambiar.

- Los límites le permiten obtener más de lo que quiere y menos de lo que no quiere. Los límites no solo lo protegen de comportamientos no deseados, sino que también fomentan el comportamiento que desea.

- Las personas efectivas establecen límites. Porque al hacerlo, mantienes el control de tu tiempo y los esfuerzos que te hacen sentir mejor contigo mismo. Esto te lleva a ser más efectivo.

- Adhieren a sus armas. Para que el establecimiento de límites funcione para usted, debe desarrollar un compromiso para defender lo que es correcto y verdadero para usted. Debes actuar consistentemente para defender tus límites.

- La práctica hace la perfección. Si este no es un comportamiento familiar, al principio se sentirá incómodo y poco natural, pero al principio vale la pena hacer algo que valga la pena. A la gente puede que no le guste que al principio es natural, ya que están acostumbrados a hacer lo que quieren con usted. Seguid así. Con la práctica obtendrás más habilidad y gracia.

Ejemplos de límites personales

Otras personas no pueden

- Criticame.
- Humíllate.
- Invadir mi espacio personal o pertenencias.
- Mienteme.
- Hacer comentarios despectivos sobre mi apariencia.
- Aprovecharse de mí.
- Sacar su ira o frustraciones fuera de mí.

Si no nos respetamos a nosotros mismos, ¿cómo podemos esperar obtener respeto de los demás?

Beneficios de la configuración de límites

- Contribución al bienestar de los demás.
- Libertad del mal comportamiento, miedo o dolor.
- Mayor autoestima y autoestima.
- Más respeto de los demás.
- Requisito para la comunicación honesta y directa.

Ejemplos de configuración de límites

- Ira - “No puedes seguir gritándome. Si lo haces, abandonaré la sala y terminaré esta reunión”.

- Compre tiempo - “Tengo una política de no tomar decisiones rápidas. Necesito tiempo para pensar y reflexionar sobre lo que quiero hacer. Si necesita una respuesta inmediata, será No.”

- Crítica - “No me parece bien que desee comentarios sobre mi peso. Por favor, deténgase. Si no lo hace, no podré continuar con esta conversación”.

- Compromisos adicionales - “Aunque este es un tema importante para mí, debo rechazar su solicitud de ayuda en este momento. O debo cumplir con las necesidades de mi familia”.

- Dinero - “No le prestaré más dinero. Me preocupo por usted y usted necesita comenzar a asumir la responsabilidad por usted mismo”.

Pautas para establecer un límite

- Copia de seguridad de configuración de límites con acción.
- Sea directo, firme y amable.
- No debatir, defender o sobre-explicar.
- Tenga soporte fácilmente disponible en las líneas laterales en el principio.
- Mantente fuerte, no te rindas.

RECUERDE, no es suficiente establecer límites, es necesario estar dispuesto a hacer lo que sea necesario para hacerlos cumplir. ¿Cuál es el papel de


- Establecer de forma clara y no emocional.
- Acciones que estás dispuesto a tomar.
- Puede permitir el cambio gradual.
- Puede ser negociable en lugar de líneas rígidas en la arena.

Establecer límites y límites personales puede ser muy importante en la forma en que lleva su vida y la calidad de las relaciones que tiene.

resolución conflictos

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Why Used Auto Parts Are Better Than New Auto Parts

Why Used Auto Parts Are Better Than New Auto Parts

For the last 60 years auto recyclers, otherwise known as auto wreckers or auto dismantlers with their junkyards and salvage yards, have played an important role in the economy and environment. More and more car owners are turning to used auto parts rather than new car parts for their car maintenance and repair needs, for several reasons:

· Purchasing used auto parts instead of new car parts allows you to save money by about 55% on average.

· Purchasing used car parts means that you have a wider selection in the used parts market from which to pick the right car part that specifically meets the fit, functionality and quality requirement of your current car and car parts.

· By purchasing used auto parts you are helping to lessen the pollution to the environment. Automotive recycling plays an important role in conserving natural resources and minimizing the demand on scarce landfill space. Other then lessening the negative impact on natural resources, Automotive recycling plays a major role in reducing water pollution, air pollution and solid waste generation.

Guide to Buying Used Auto Parts from Auto Recyclers

Keeping your car roadworthy can be a very expensive undertaking these days, especially with today's tough economic climate making it more difficult for many people to earn and save money. But by using used auto parts, not only can you save money, you can also help conserve natural resources, and still get the correct specified parts for your car. For these reason, thousands of people every year elect to purchase used car parts.

With this increase in demand, the internet has become an ideal vehicle in bringing the buyers and sellers of used auto parts together. Before you make your used car parts purchase online, here is a general guide to assist you in choosing the right auto parts at the best price.

· Whenever you purchase a car part, make sure you have your Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) handy. This number can provide the seller with a lot of information about your car, including the year, make and model. Having your VIN available is especially important when purchasing drive train components such as engines and transmissions.

· Make sure the company from which you are buying the auto part offers a warranty on the part. Make sure you read and understand the terms of that warranty before making the purchase.

· Find out how many miles are on the auto part, and find out whether the part is being sold as used, rebuilt or remanufactured.

Auto Parts

Monday, November 5, 2018

Simple Online Dating Advice For Men

Simple Online Dating Advice For Men

When it comes to online dating advice for men, you're going to want to really explore it. Don't just assume that you know what you're doing. In fact, if you look online and are trying to date through a variety of different sites, you will most likely not get many dates. The reason why is simple; many don't adhere to any online dating advice for men. In fact, many men assume that they know it all, and that's the first big mistake you can make. To ensure that you're moving forward the right way, consider a few simple tips to help you gain the upper hand.

Pay Close Attention To The Text of a Profile

Before you send out a lot of messages, make sure that you pay attention to the text of a profile. When you're replying, make sure that you make mention of some of the things that the person has written out. Doing so will help ensure that you are able to connect with someone on a social level. Of course, you may not get a reply, which is fine. When you are mulling over online dating advice for men, this is important, be patient.

Take Good Pictures of Yourself (no selfies)

Don't post a selfie. Instead, ask a friend or family member to take a picture of you that gives a picture of your whole body. Then take a picture of a hobby you have, while you're enjoying it. Make sure that your images are sincere, diverse, and aren't overtly sexual in any way. Smile, and look like you are having fun in your life. Let people in a little, so that they get a glimpse of how your personality truly is. Pictures that show you in proper light will be part of the best online dating advice for men you can get today.

Pay For The Membership

One of the best pieces of advice you're going to get from anywhere online, is this one, pay for the membership. When you actually focus on the best online dating advice for men, you will find this is one of the best tips. Paying for the membership fees of a website shows others that you're serious. You're serious about dating, and you are looking around for a mate. You will find that you will also get to talk to real people, and ask them out. In most cases, you can browse for free, but communication will cost you. You're going to find that paying for this privilege is a bit much at first, but if you can get a few dates, and perhaps your soul mate, it's not that much overall.

No Strings Attached Dating - NSA

Thursday, November 1, 2018

The Use of Drones in Photography

The Use of Drones in Photography

Drones are being extensively used in the field of photography. It started as a hobby, but recently it has taken a professional turn. A drone is an amazing tool that can help capture breathtaking aerial shots that were unimaginable before. You might have seen stunning aerial shots of landscapes like mountains, rivers, deserts and fields in movies. A helicopter is usually used for filming such images in the movie business and a large crew is present to assist the camera person. However, in real life it is almost impossible to arrange for a helicopter. Even if you have the finances available to you to arrange for a helicopter, you would require a pilot to fly the helicopter so that you can take photos. So, if you want to indulge in aerial photography without having to spend a fortune over it, then drones are your best option.

Drones come in various varieties. You can choose the one most suited to your photography needs quite easily. There are some models that can be bought for less than $100 such as the Blade Nano QX. This model is ideal for beginners and budding photographers who have just started using drones for photography purposes. There is always a possibility that the drone will crash while you are learning to fly it, so it is better to buy a cheaper version first.

Photographers who are well-versed in piloting a drone by themselves can opt to buy more advanced drones that have the capability of carrying a larger camera. Some of the most popular models of drones that are currently being used for commercial photography include the DJI Phantom series. If you are confident about your drone flying skills then you can even go for the Iris by 3D Robotics. These drones may cost you around $800, but they are worth the cost. The quality of photos that you get from these drones is amazing.

There are other drones that come with an attached Go Pro camera such as DJI Phantom 2 but the cost is double of what you will pay for the ones mentioned above. Do keep in mind that better the camera you have on your drone, the higher the quality of pictures and videos you will be able to shoot.

The camera is the most important piece of equipment when you are interested in clicking great shots with the help of your drone. A crucial factor in the selection of the camera is its weight. The best camera in the market at the moment is the GoPro Hero3 Black edition which weighs a mere 73 grams and can give you high quality photos and videos. This camera has built-in Wi-Fi and is compatible with OEM and third party accessories. The accessories that you may want to buy include:

· Transmitter to increase the range of your link.

· Receiver to decrease the noise when you receive the video on the ground.

· Goggles to view the video feeds.

· Anti-gravity motors and specialized remote controls are also a few accessories that will improve your experience with your drone.

Drone Training Toronto

Thursday, October 25, 2018

Domestic Violence, Low Self-Esteem, Insecurity

Domestic Violence, Low Self-Esteem, Insecurity

Domestic violence is a fact for millions of people around the world. The victim of domestic violence can be a spouse (in marriage), a parent, a child or an intimate partner. Violence can take many forms, including physical violence, molestation, threats, controlling behavior, depriving the partner of food or money, etc. As a result of these, the victim often develops anxiety, depression, and other disorders, sometimes attempting suicide. The majority of them experience panic attacks and suffer from panic disorders. Other victims suffer from agoraphobia and acute neurosis. Back and waist pain are also common. Some victims of domestic violence have eating disorders and stop eating because of stress.

People who fall victims to domestic violence have a low self-esteem. They often saw abusive behavior in their family and internalized it. They get involved in an abusive relationship and if they manage to leave the abuser, they get into the next abusive relationship. It's a behavioral pattern. Victims already know how to live in abusive relationships. Without realizing it, that gives them a sense of security. Such people don't know how to behave in harmonious relationships as they have never seen or had one.

It is a fact that the majority of victims of domestic violence are women. Unfortunately, children also suffer on seeing acts of violence in the family and sometimes, they are abused as well. Women rarely tell to their parents about the cases of violence. They are ashamed and afraid that their partner might get angry. For these reasons, they almost never call the police.

Most abusive people have a low self-esteem too. Their bursts of aggression are a sign of insecurity. They feel threatened by their partners and 'fight back'.

Victims are caught in a vicious circle. The abuser apologizes to his spouse, kisses her, they have great sex, and the abused partner is ready to forgive. Until the next abusive episode that follows. The abuser may have strong feelings toward his partner and love her very much. But abuse is a fact, and it happens over and over.

What to do if you are in an abusive relationship? It is best to walk out of it. The responsibility for leaving this vicious cycle is all yours. If your partner has recognized the problem, insist that he consults a professional and signs for an anger management therapy.

domestic violence

Monday, October 15, 2018

Expert Betting Tips for Sports Betting Success

Expert Betting Tips for Sports Betting Success

Are you are budding punter looking to make money from online sports betting? Online sport betting is serious business and there runs a high risk of making a loss so a better and informed position will enhance your chances of making a profit. Your decision should not be based on your liking for a particular sport or sportsperson. At the same time if the bookmarker is offering a price then that bookmarker already in a good position to make a healthy profit on the offer price.

You would never have heard a bookie losing money, it is always the punter that wins or loses and the bookie stands to earn in both situations. That is because the bookmarker does not leave the door open from where he would be in a loss making situation. Thus it does not matter which soccer team wins or which player scores the goal or which horse crosses the post first the bookmaker will in turn a good profit from all those who placed incorrect bets and pay only those who got it right.

In the real world scenario there are hundreds of losers as against a handful of winners. The winners are that group of people who do not place bets merely on guess work or try their luck. Winners are a group of people who do their homework the hard way. They will see past results, statistics, the form book and many other things before drawing a conclusion. The experts will always have the best chance at winning.

These days it's not so hard finding reliable betting tips. Of course you need to be absolutely sure of the service; a good service or online service with credible online reviews will serve as a good thrust to your plans. Sports betting and betting tipster sites are there in abundance so you really need to careful about using them. Losing a few dollars in registration or sign up fee would be as big a letdown as losing hundreds of dollars parked in your account would when a service cheats you.

A good professional tipsters site with a proven track record of success and verified tipster profiles would go a long way in helping you build long lasting success. A good service is one that offers you a free trail offer, that way you can test their services and if you are sure their services are what you are looking for then you can go ahead and pay for it.

It is also not possible that using the best bet tipsters service you will win every time. You might have to incur losses at times but with a professional service you will be able to maximize profits and reduce the risk of making a loss.

People looking to make use of sports betting tipster service should do a thorough check up of the website's service. If you can find online reviews for that website then that should tell you how well other users have found the services to be. Depending on your research you may decide to join or look for other sites, this can ultimately be the difference between success and failure.


A Quick Guide to Football Betting

A Quick Guide to Football Betting

A lot of football gamblers know very well how the markets and odds provided usually work. However, for those individuals new to the football betting might experience some problems while trying to pick the best odds in their chosen markets. Such gamblers should find it necessary to acquire free betting tips from individual sites which offer the services. It is crucial for new bettors to understand correctly various markets and how they work. Free betting tips will only be of benefit to gamblers if they know football betting basics. Football fans should comprehend the typical markets before staking their money on any fixtures.

There are numerous options available for punters to stake their money when it comes to football betting. The activity of betting on football games has become so popular that several sites usually offer betting tips for their visitors. Tipsters often offer free betting tips on markets which are easily predictable. Advice on complex markets is often sold to punters since their odds are high and consequently the returns if a bettor wins the bet. Popular markets are explained so that those new to football betting can easily understand where they are staking their money and the possibilities of them to lose or win the bet.

The most common type of market available for football betting is the match betting. In this type of market, the punter simply has to choose the outcome of the game. The options are usually displayed as 1X2. 1 represents the home team to win the match, X stands for the match to end in a draw while 2 stands for the away team winning the encounter. This market is often very easy to predict unless in a situation where competitive teams are facing each other. The team which is most likely to win the match is usually low compared with the odds for a draw and the other team to win. Tipsters are likely to give free tips where the outcome of the match is somehow obvious example in a case where a strong team is facing a weaker team. When teams of equal strengths and capabilities are facing each other, it is hard to pick winning odds. In this case, tipsters usually don't give free betting tips. They either sell the tips for the game or avoid predicting at all. A lot of new bettors prefer this market since it is easy to choose and not sophisticated at all.

Another common market in football betting is: Both teams to score. This market is often displayed as GG for both teams to score and NG for both teams not score. It is also a favorable market for most punters. The make was not available in many sites until Betfred introduced it. Other betting companies have since incorporated this market in their sites. A predictor can either choose that both teams will score or both teams not score depending on their analysis or feel about goal scoring abilities of the teams facing each other. Free betting tips are often given by tipsters on this market. Punters who are not sure which option to go for should seek services of tipsters who carry thorough analysis before deciding whether both teams will score or not.

Double chance is yet another form of a market available in football betting. In this type of market, bookmakers protect the punters who are against any team to emerge victorious in a match. Such punters can choose their favorite team to win or draw the game. The bet will be a winning bet if the team either win or draw the game. Even though odds of this market are small, several bettors prefer it since it somehow reduces the risk of losing the bet. Free betting tips are often given by tipsters concerning this market. It is the best market for those punters who want to back a team which they are sure it will not lose the game. Another form of the double chance market can be in such a way that the game will not end in a draw. Denoted as 1 or 2, this form of the double chance market means that either team A or Team B will win the match. It is the best market for those bettors who are sure that the game will not end in a draw.

Handicap betting is also a type of market provided for football bettors. This kind of market usually has good odds, and those who risk it successfully are always rewarded handsomely. It is best for punters who are sure that a particular team will win the match, but the odds are not satisfying. Such punters can, therefore, go for this market which entails giving the weaker team one or two goals and still lose the match. Punters choosing this market should be very careful and be confident that the underdog team will be beaten by a good margin surpassing the handicap goals given. If for example, an underdog is given a handicap of two goals and they score another goal, the superior team will have to net four or more goals for the punter to win the bet.

Another common type of market available for football bettors is the under/over betting. In this kind of market entails the punter choosing if the overall goals scored in a match will surpass a certain number. The mark is mostly placed at 2.5 goals while other bookmarkers can place it t 1.5 goals. Choosing over 2.5 goals, for example, means that the punter predicts that the total goals scored in the game will be three or more. The market is favorable to most bettors sand free betting tips are often offered on this market.

Other markets such as first goal scorer and anytime time goal scorer are often given by football betting companies. Such markets are rare, but common in only professional or rather well knowledgeable bettors. It is hard for new gamblers to decide on this market especially when one does not know the abilities of the players well.


5 Steps to Be More Successful With Sports Betting

5 Steps to Be More Successful With Sports Betting

Sports betting shouldn't be seen as a get-rich-quick scheme. However, with the right strategies and patience, there is the chance to make a decent return on the initial investment. Here are five steps that can help to be more successful with sports betting:

Find value

The ability to be successful with sports betting involves several factors. A major component is the ability to find value in a potential bet. This means searching for the bets with odds that seem too high and capitalizing on those opportunities. Check the bets on every match day and look out for the undervalued teams.

Money management

The ability to manage the bankroll is a major issue for anyone looking to achieve long-term success in this area. A simple strategy to avoid going bankrupt is to limit the maximum stake per bet to 1-2% of the total bankroll. By using this limited stake plan and betting on the value bets, there is the possibility of growing the income for the future.

Have patience

Betting should be seen as another form of investment that is successful over the long-term, and not the short. While the bankroll may seem to be growing slowly initially, this will gradually change when able to comfortably increase the stake for each bet. Betting involves a lot of winning streaks, losing streaks and other swings, so it is important to be consistent with the betting approach and avoid the temptation to stake a large percentage of the bankroll on a single bet in the hope of making it big in a much shorter time-frame.

Use the right sportsbook

Signing up to the best sportsbooks is certain to help become successful. Not all sportsbooks are very accommodating to the more successful players, so it is important to find one that won't limit or even close the account after a few winning runs. However, there are plenty of good sportsbooks to use and it is simply a case of researching the available options and using those with a solid reputation and offers the type of bets that interest you.

Follow the experts

Many people find it difficult to identify the best or most valuable bets by themselves, and will simply prefer to use the services of one of the many successful tipster services. They can be very useful to compliment the betting action. There are plenty of tipsters offering a wide range of services. It is practical to trial the services for a short period with low stakes to understand the success rate before investing any real money on the tips offered.


Thursday, October 4, 2018

New York Stock Exchange - Why Is Everyone Shouting?

New York Stock Exchange - Why Is Everyone Shouting?

Ah yes, the New York Stock Exchange, while it's the epicenter of the trading universe, it looks a bit more like an amusement park or a playground doesn't it? Close your eyes and you can picture it, the hustle, the bustle, the screaming traders on the floor, the grown men sweating through suits and button up shirts gesticulating like a wild pack of children playing tackle football on an open field.

But why, in this modern-day and age, do traders and brokers still act like an angry mob? Don't we use computers for most trades these days anyway? Isn't this the information age, an era dominated by sterile, instant communication? How did this madness start? Why does it still go on? This article will examine and explain the reasons why Wall Street and many other trading pits resemble a riot after a soccer match more so than a gathering of grown business majors trying to amass a fortune for themselves and their clients.

In the first place, there are a number of trading exchanges and trading pits, from the bond pits in Chicago to the Nikkei in far off Japan, but the most famous trading exchange in the world, beyond a shadow of a doubt, exists at the intersection of Wall Street and Broad Street in Manhattan. The New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) had existed since 1792 when the famed Buttonwood agreement was signed by 24 New York brokers and businessmen. Most people think of the Dow-Jones Exchange when they think of the stock market. This consists of thirty of the largest businesses in the United States, from GE and McDonald's to Walmart.

The principle is simple; people use stockbrokers to buy stocks, or percentages of ownership of a company (and its profits or losses) in exchange for cash. The money is and always has flown around the room at a fast and furious pace, and so has the action, hence the total hubbub. Essentially these stocks are "auctioned" off to the highest bidder who agrees to a purchase price, so each broker is trying to get their bid in and accepted before the price of a stock rises. This is where the yelling originated, with brokers trying to shout their price and acceptance as loudly as possible in an attempt to drown out and beat the competing brokers to the purchase price that they want. Getting a bid in a split second earlier at pennies per stock can mean the difference between millions of dollars of profit on one large stock purchase, so the immediacy and force used can be understandable when so much is on the line.

Originally, the tenor of the room was more gentlemanly, as respected businessmen and brokers traded stocks at a reasonable pace and wealth simply moved amongst wealthy individuals, from one family to another. A Rockefeller might buy a piece of a Ford or a Vanderbilt's interests, knowing that these successful, wealthy men would generate more wealth.

As America grew, though, and the American Dream was born, the common folk wanted in on the action. After the Industrial Revolution in America took place in the late 1800's, a middle class emerged, as factory workers fought for more of the company pie and finally won better wages and working conditions. The idea that any American could get rich and get rich quick took root, and what better way than through the New York Stock Exchange.

By the 1920's, many Americans were investing in the stock market. The New York Stock Exchange was booming. Instant millionaires were popping up all over the place. There was a whole new level of wealthy Americans with ticker tape machines in their living rooms giving them instant market price updates. This is when the screaming and gesticulating began in earnest, as brokers were overwhelmed by buyers, new clients and purchase orders. They screamed and hollered and waved their arms to get their orders in first. The country's stance was positive. The era was known as the Roaring Twenties, and its theme song was Blue Skies because everything was coming up roses for most Americans. Consumer credit was born to help sell products being over produced thanks to massive stock investments. The only problem was this whole explosion of wealth was built on a house of cards almost like a Ponzi scheme. Stocks were being sold for start-ups companies that weren't making profits, they were just filling their coffers with investment cash, and too many people were downright leveraged in the stock market. For 9 years, from 1920 to 1929, stock prices went straight up with no end in sight.

That is until October 24 of 1929, better known as Black Thursday. That was the day of the Great Stock Market Crash that signaled the beginning of the Great Depression, the greatest economic catastrophe the United States has ever faced. The pits exploded with noise as brokers screamed "sell, sell, sell," trying to cut losses before it was too late, but there were no buyers. Investors fled en masse, most of them were bankrupt, broke and penniless.

Nonetheless, the New York Stock Exchange persevered, and as with any exchange or market, has had its turbulent ups and downs ever since. There have been a number of peaks and valleys on the New York Stock Exchange over the years. The most recent crash occurred in 2008 after the housing bubble burst. The market is still recovering. There have been numerous regulations put in place to make the trading fairer and more acceptable. Day traders' trade from their home computer signaling buys and sells in an instant. In fact, most trading is transacted through computers these days.

So why are grown men in suits still yelling, screaming and gesticulating like a five-year old throwing a temper tantrum? That's the one thing that never seems to change.

Because at its heart, the New York Stock Exchange is still an auction house system, and every single DOW trade occurs at the end on that famous floor. Even if, you make a purchase on E*Trade, the trade is accepted and consummated on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange, facilitated by a broker. The screaming isn't as necessary, nor as prevalent as in the past, thanks to computers and technological advances in communication systems, but there are still brokers on the floor who have to overcome their competition to the punch. In fact, hand signals are more important now to pit stockbrokers, so they can quickly signal floor specialists who put in the actual buy or sell order. That explains all the crazy gesticulating..

"Orders come in through brokerage firms that are members of the exchange and flow down to floor brokers who go to a specific spot on the floor where the stock trades. At this location, known as the trading post, there is a specific person known as the specialist whose job is to match buyers and sellers."

By using wild obvious gestures and screaming when necessary, so the order can be heard brokers are communicating with their own partners these days not so much with the auctioneer. The noise and fury gets so strong at time, the old mass havoc rears its ugly head and to an outsider it appears as though a rugby scrum has broken out. In fact, it simply means that a large number of trades are transpiring right before your eyes, and to the detriment of your ears.

Probably there will come a day when all is quiet at the New York Stock Exchange, but it certainly wouldn't be as entertaining. In all likelihood though, there will always be human traders on the floor making sure that their transaction goes through, and that will always mean yelling and hand signs. So now you know, the next time you see a frenzied video clip from the New York Stock Exchange, the brokers aren't practicing to become professional wrestlers or politicians. They are not learning how to guide a plane down the runway, or imitate their favorite NFL Head Coach on the sidelines of a close football game. They are just trying to make money or save money for their clients. If you turn out to be one of those clients and it's your money at stake, even if you only have a 401K or retirement fund, you might think that these transactions are worth the shouting.


Tuesday, October 2, 2018

The Tips Only the Best Podiatrist Will Tell You

The Tips Only the Best Podiatrist Will Tell You

Keeping your feet in good shape is an important part of your overall health. Even if you have the best podiatrist in the business, they may have neglected to share some good tips for taking care of your feet. Here are a few things you may not have considered when it comes to foot care.

Potential Pitfalls of Pedicures

While it may seem like a pedicure is a great way to take care of your feet, there are a few things you should know before heading to the salon. The truth is that with multiple people sticking their feet in the same small bath all day, there's bound to be bacteria and fungus that remain after they leave. If you can, try and get the first appointment of the day for a pedicure so you can be more confident that all of the equipment and supplies are clean. The best podiatrist will also tell you that shaving your legs right before a pedicure or letting them use a foot razor on your feet can increase the likelihood of infection, so try to stay away from the razors.

Selecting a Sports Shoe

If you're not playing sports professionally you most likely have one athletic shoe for exercise and sports. Because all these activities are demanding in different ways, there's a good chance you might need different shoes to support different needs. For example, when you play basketball, you need a shoe that will support your feet when you're jumping and turning quickly, but when you play soccer, you need a shoe that help prevent ingrown toenails and turf toe. Knowing your needs will help you find a shoe that works best for you and prevents you from injuring yourself.

Learn to Lift Your Legs

Whether you sit at a desk all day or you are constantly on your feet moving around, your feet could suffer the consequences. Many people notice their feet swelling when they do one or the other too long. The best podiatrist will tell you that to reduce swelling and get your feet back to normal, lift your legs. Elevating your feet can help drain the swelling and make your feet feel better. You can sit in a chair or lay down on the ground, but they key is to get your feet raised above your heart.


Necessity of Physiotherapy

Necessity of Physiotherapy

Physiotherapy is important as it helps in the restoration of function and movement if at all a person is affected by disability, illness, or even injury. Physiotherapy helps in reduction of risk in future. Usually, it is a holistic kind of approach that involves a patient in own care.

When is it used?

Physiotherapy can help all people regardless of their age for a very wide range of conditions related to health and affecting areas like:

Soft tissues, joints and bones: this includes sports injuries, shoulder pain, neck pain and back pain.

Nervous system or brain: this includes issues with movement that result from Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis, or even stroke.

Heart and the whole circulation: this includes things like rehabilitation after a person has had a heart attack.

The lungs and breathing: this includes cystic fibrosis and the chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

Physiotherapy can be very important in the improvement of physical activity and also in helping in the prevention of any other injuries that may occur.


Physiotherapy is usually provided by a practitioner who is specially trained and also regulated called a physiotherapist. These professionals usually work as a team that is multi-disciplinary in different areas of medicine as well as different settings. This includes:

· Home visits

· Workplaces, charities, clubs and sports teams

· GP surgeries

· Clinics and community health centers

· Hospitals

What they do

The professionals consider the entire body instead of individual aspects of an illness or injury. There are different approaches that a physiotherapist can apply and they include:

Advice and education: these are people that can give you some general advice regarding the things that affect the daily living like posture, the correct way to lift heavy things, best carrying techniques and so on so as to stop injuries.

Physical activity, tailored exercise and movement advice: they can recommend exercises that can help in the improvement of the general health as well as mobility. This helps in the strengthening of very specific areas of the body.

Manual therapy: this is where hands are used so as to relieve stiffness and pain and to also encourage your body to move.

There are many other techniques that the physiotherapist can use and they include aquatic or hydrotherapy as well as acupuncture.

How you can find a physiotherapist

There are a number of avenues that you can use so as to find the ideal physiotherapist. In some places, you may be required to produce a referral from your GP, while others you can simply refer yourself. Your GP can recommend the best place to get treatment. Usually, the private physiotherapist accepts any direct referrals.

Other areas where you can access a physiotherapist is through voluntary sector, patient groups, charities, occupational health services and so on. In some areas, there are bodies funded by the government that offer the services free of charge, but they usually have very long waiting lists, therefore may not be really ideal for your needs especially when you have an emergency.

The internet can be a very helpful tool in locating a physiotherapist near you.


10 Things You Didn't Know About Laser Hair Removal

10 Things You Didn't Know About Laser Hair Removal

If you're fed up of constantly shaving or waxing to get rid of unwanted facial or body hair, then maybe you've already thought about laser hair removal. Laser hair removal is the most permanent of all treatments available today, and more effective than shaving, waxing. Electrolysis is still in use, but as each hair has to be treated individually, it can be a painful hair removal method, and on occasions can cause scarring.

If you haven't thought about laser hair removal yet, or thought that it sounded too daunting, these 10 tips will provide you with the information you need.

1) Laser hair removal isn't suitable for every skin and hair type. The best results can be found on people with light skin and dark coarse hair. This hair removal procedure targets pigmented tissue, and doesn't work well on red, white, blonde or grey hair.

2) The most common areas for laser hair removal are the lips, arms and underarms, legs, bikini line, legs, chest and back. Laser hair removal takes more time, and is more expensive for larger body areas than for smaller areas.

3) Depending on the area and skin and hair colour, it usually takes between 6 and 8 sessions of laser hair removal to fully get rid of the unwanted hair.

4) There are very few side effects to laser hair removal. The most common is that the treated area can be a bit sore and swollen for between a few minutes and a few hours. In some cases, darkening or lightening of the skin can occur. Effects such as blistering or scarring or changes in the texture of the skin due to laser hair removal are very rare. Side effects caused by incorrect technique or wrong settings can be reduced by ensuring that the clinic you use for your laser hair removal treatment is registered and approved by the Healthcare Commission.

5) Ensure that you do some research before you make an appointment. Find the best qualified and experienced laser hair removal practitioner and ensure that the clinic is regulated. The cheapest clinic may not provide the best results, or be regulated. Laser hair removal clinics often advertise in fashion and lifestyle magazines and so you may be able get an idea of what to expect before you visit one.

6) Expect a thorough consultation from the laser hair removal clinician which should last 30-45 minutes and will cover your medical history and a test patch may be treated to see how you respond to laser hair removal.

7) Before your laser hair removal treatment, you will need to ensure that you follow the advice of the clinician. This advice will suggest such things as to avoid sun beds, sunbathing and fake tan and not to bleach or wax the area to be treated for several weeks before treatment. Your laser hair clinician may also provide other advice and information to take into account before your laser hair removal treatment.

8) Laser hair removal works by passing a laser beam through the skin to the hair follicles where the hair growth starts. The heat from the laser damages the follicle and so stops hair growth. There is often a cooling device fitted to the laser handset to cool the skin down. It usually takes several treatments to get rid of all unwanted hair, because hair has several phases of growth. Laser hair removal treatment lasts from around 15 minutes to an hour, depending on the area being treated.

9) During laser hair removal, the area is thoroughly cleaned, and then the treatment begins. Most patients report very little discomfort or pain thanks to the cooling device fitted to the laser. Immediately after the treatment, additional cooling and moisturiser is applied to the skin.

10) Laser hair removal is quick and after the treatment, make up can be worn straight away, but perfumed products as well as steam rooms and saunas should not be used for a day as they may cause irritation. Exposure to the sun or sun beds should also be avoided for several weeks. You may see a hair growing several days after treatment; this is the dead hair coming out naturally. This may happen for several days depending on the size of the area that has had laser hair removal treatment.

As laser hair removal is so quick and has so few side effects, it is even possible to have the treatment in your lunch hour! Get rid of unwanted hair today!

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How To Find A Custom Home Builder Without Losing Your Mind

How To Find A Custom Home Builder Without Losing Your Mind

Building a custom home is the largest purchase most people will make in their lifetime, and choosing the best custom home builder is essential to the project's success. The role of a custom home builder is as much to advocate for the homeowner as it is to collaborate with the design team. Since homebuilding is a process that takes several months, it's important that you the buyer feel there is trust and clear communication on the part of the builder. If you have a location and have set your budget for the project, you are ready to shop builders; read the following tips on how to find a custom home builder without losing your mind.

Consider your resources

If you have already hired a designer, they are the best asset at your disposal for beginning your search. Your design professional likely has first hand experience working with builders and will know their construction qualities, communication styles, and business reputations. You could also check with your lender or realtor, if they are familiar with the custom home market in your locale. You can contact the National Association of Home Builders for a list of qualified local builders. Internet searches can identify builders in your area, and some sites may be equipped with ratings & feedback from prior customers. And, certainly, you could ask friends and acquaintances who have completed custom home projects for referrals.

Shop the candidates

Shopping for a well-qualified home builder is easy when you know what to look for to accommodate your project. The right builder for you will need to have the available time, an interest in your project, and experience in working with homeowners. You want a custom home builder whose primarily focused on building custom homes rather than speculative homes, so that their services are tailored to your needs. When considering builders, ask about their current projects and their track record with projects of similar scale and detail to yours. They should also be able to provide you client references. You want to get the sense that the builder you are considering has done this sort of thing before.

Work the schedule

When you talk to prospective builders, ask what kind of schedule you would be looking at for your project. Know that building a custom home usually takes a minimum of 6 months and that the schedule will be weather-dependent. Additionally, steps must be taken before the home can even be framed, such as installing the plumbing and electric up to city code. A builder promising a time frame for completion that is only a few weeks or months should be considered a red flag, no matter how tempting it may seem. In the case of custom home building, it's better the project be completed properly then quickly.

Communication is key

Again, you need to be comfortable with how a builder communicates with you. You should not feel pressured or talked down to at any junction. You are trusting an expert to build your home, and that expert ought to be able to take the time to explain their process in layman's terms. You should have access to the construction site. You should feel your questions are welcome, and that they being answered in a timely and respectful manner. If you get the sense that the builder is more or less communicative than you would like, take note, and consider moving on. You do not want to enter into a building contract with a builder whose communication is irksome.

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Four Tips for Choosing the Right Chiropractor

Four Tips for Choosing the Right Chiropractor

Chiropractors treat individuals suffering from spine, neck, and limb pain. While chiropractors can have a variety of different specializations, many people will turn to a chiropractor if they are suffering from a sports injury or have been injured in a car accident. In fact, six to 12 percent of the American population sees a chiropractor each year. If you are looking to receive treatment by a chiropractor, follow these four tips to make sure you're choosing the right chiropractor for you.

Make Sure the Services Fit Your Needs

To make sure you're choosing the right chiropractor for you, be sure they are offering services that are specifically targeted to the kind of injury you have. If you sprained your ankle training for a marathon, you'll want to research chiropractors who specialize in sports injuries rather than chiropractors who specialize in neck injuries or women's health. Many offices also offer a variety of different services; so if you think cooling therapy or acupuncture is also worth a try, search out a chiropractor who can offer these services as well. Also, keep in mind the location of the chiropractor's office, and whether a bilingual chiropractor is important to you.

Be Sure That Your Insurance Covers the Treatment

Going to a chiropractor can get expensive, especially if you need to return weekly or in some cases multiple times a week. Make sure the office you choose to go to is covered by your health insurance company. It's a good idea to contact your health insurance provider to check which chiropractors are covered before you book an appointment. This way, you can also avoid cancellation fees if you wish to switch chiropractors.

Meet with the Chiropractor Before Booking an Appointment

Even if a friend recommends a chiropractor, realize that each injury is unique; what worked for your friend might not work for you. Meet the chiropractor ahead of time, as this will allow you to understand their techniques and values. In fact, many good chiropractors offer a free consultation. It may seem self-explanatory, but it's also important to make sure you like the chiropractor as a person. Make sure you feel comfortable with them, that they are honest and professional, and that they treat their staff well.

Make Sure the Chiropractor Explains Everything to You Fully

A good chiropractor should not leave you in the dark about anything. They should fully explain the examination process, and they should also be asking you questions about your injury and your medical history. A good chiropractor will also fully outline the treatment plan, and won't expect you to sign up for a long-term package without a proper explanation of how this will benefit you.

Following these tips will help you find the right chiropractor for you, and will ensure that you're on the road to recovery. Remember that a good chiropractor wants the best for his patients, which means a fast recovery and referrals if necessary.


Monday, October 1, 2018

Boat Buying Tips

Boat Buying Tips

Longer and warmer days can make us think of lazy days on or near water. When we think about going for a boat ride or fishing on any lake or river, some of us might begin dreaming of owning our own boat. Living north of the 49th parallel, the summers tend to be shorter, so we want to know that we will get the most use and value for our boat-buying dollar. Boat shopping can be enjoyable, but it can also be annoying, frustrating, exhausting or all of the above. You need to ask yourself some questions before deciding on a boat because there are many things to consider. First of all, what kind of boat are you looking for? Is it for water skiing, tubing, fishing or just for sightseeing? Where and how will you be spending most of your time? How many people will normally be in the boat with you, and what kinds of features do you want or need? For most of us, price is also a major factor. Know how much you are willing to spend on a boat. New boats have great appeal but some of us may be limited to purchasing a used boat simply because of the price tag. (A word of caution: in the used boat market, a bargain is not necessarily a bargain, and a boat bought in the United States and brought to Canada usually has no warranty in Canada. Since I am a marine mechanic in Canada, this article will be from a Canadian perspective)

I was brought a boat bought at an auction in the States late in the season, so it wasn't until the following spring that it came into my shop to be checked over. The first time I fired up that 200 HP outboard, the knocking was so loud that you could almost hear it clear across town. The outboard was shot and required a $5000 fix.

Another man brought me a boat he'd bought in Texas to be used for water skiing. He thought he'd gotten a great deal. He brought the boat to me because he noticed the instrument panel wasn't functioning properly. You couldn't tell engine speed because none of the electronic gauges were working. The instrument panel was a one piece unit, so it cost this customer $800 just for the instrument package. He had been sold the boat with the promise that there were no problems.

New boats have higher price tags and generally need to be financed. There are many affordable used boats out there and good deals can be found, but some boats that look good and affordable might not be what they seem at first glance. When you begin to make your selection, know your price range, know what size of boat will meet your needs, and know what features you want. Also keep in mind that most of us will need to tow our boat to our fishing or boating destination, so make sure you have a vehicle capable of towing a boat. A 14 to 16 foot boat will work well on smaller lakes without a problem, but I would recommend a 16 foot boat rather than a 14 footer. After you've chosen the length, you will also have to decide on a width for your boat as a variety of widths are available. Many of the older models are narrower than today's boats. Newer boats come with options such as live wells, navigational lighting, bilge pumps, better seating and better handling. When you buy a new boat, you have a warranty on the boat, motor, trailer, etc. Many used boats come with very limited warranties or even none, so be sure to ask and get in writing what the warranty includes. Too many people have bought a used boat without a warranty only to discover that all was not as promised. Before buying that boat, ask to take it out on the water, preferably with a seasoned boat owner. You do not want to purchase a boat having been promised that the boat is in great condition and works well only to find out the first time out that you are reduced to rowing back to shore or losing a wheel off the trailer. You could also wind up with dead batteries, no lights or a myriad of other issues.

An example of this is the man who took his family out for a first ride in his newly purchased used boat. The boat was supposed to be trouble free and water ready. He backed the trailer into the water and launched the boat by hand. He pulled it to shore so that his family could get in, pushed the boat back out into the water and tried to start the engine. After an hour or so of vainly trying to start the engine, he finally gave up. It was a very windy day and the water was cold. He had to row the boat close enough to shore in that wind so that he could stand in the frigid water and push the boat back to shore to enable his family to get out, and then manually push the boat back onto the trailer. When he had bought the boat, he was promised there were no issues with the motor and he was refused a refund. He was out the money he had paid, and would have needed another $1700 to make the boat usable and reliable. Even with the $1700 repair, the boat still would only have been worth what he initially paid for it.

Another time I got a boat where the buyer had been told everything was good. He tried it out and everything seemed to be ok. However, the engine had issues (low compression in 2 out of 3 cylinders) and had to be replaced at a cost of $3500. Even with the new motor, the boat was still worth only the $1200 he'd paid for it. He had been promised the boat was perfect when he bought it.

A final example is a man who bought a boat from a Canadian dealer. He lake tested the boat and it performed well. However, he noticed that there was a lot of water in the bilge. Although he returned to shore without issue, he still wondered why there was so much water in the boat, so he brought the boat to me. It turned out that the wooden bunks from the trailer had rotted out, exposing the bottom of the boat to the steel bunk mount, which punctured a hole the size of a Loonie into the bottom of the boat. The floor needed to removed, along with some styrofoam, and a patch was riveted to the bottom of boat. It required 12 hours to make this repair at a cost of $1600.

This is why it is so important that you take a veteran boat owner with you when checking out a used boat to buy. If you don't know one, try to find a reputable marine shop and take the boat there to have it checked over. Ask the seller if you can have your money refunded if the boat is not exactly as advertised. All too often boats have been sold by disreputable people who have no idea or even interest in whether the boat they're selling floats, never mind whether it is usable or reliable. There are dishonest people out there and unfortunately they don't wear signs saying they are dishonest. Don't be afraid to ask for references - honest boat dealers will have many good ones.

When we sell a used or consignment unit, I will spend at least an hour with the customer so that he knows what everything does and what its purpose is so that both of us are certain that this is the boat he wants. By the time he makes his decision to purchase the boat, he knows what the boat is capable of and how to use it properly.

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Monday, September 17, 2018

Safety Of Playgrounds Is Necessary, But So Is Fun

Safety Of Playgrounds Is Necessary, But So Is Fun

There is no shortage of people criticizing the modern day playgrounds with comparison to the playgrounds a couple of years ago. One thing that they forget is the constant state of worry that parents used to be in for the safety and security of their little ones. Children need to take calculated risks on the school playground equipment according to experts. However, parents prioritize the safety of the kids over everything else. To approach this problem, the playgrounds of modern day are being designed to keep both these factors in concern and these features extend beyond the foam padding for playground surfaces only.

This is the time to let the kids out of the bubble wrap and allow them to explore their surroundings, take harmless risks and learn to deal with the world. The playgrounds in the modern times are dedicated to both these purposes, security and fun at the same time. The playgrounds have equipment that is more risky but a lot more fun for kids too, and also a necessity for their learning and development of courage and mindfulness. To help the parents accept this new approach towards addition of a little risk, it would be good to note that these changes have taken place as a result of a lot of research and related study. There is significant study gone into this new change and according to experts, kids need to make mistakes and learn from them.

Research has also shown that falling from even three meters does not lead to increase in injuries but it helps kids in realizing and tackling risks by a great deal. There is also an opinion that those kids who are exposed to too little challenges are more prone to take excessive risks and get injured as a result, while those children who are used to handling and taking risks are more prudent and able to handle risky situations with better understanding. This shows that even if children sustain minor injuries in their play routines, they are better off in their life generally, as they get to use their judgment very early on and learn from the minor accidents they have while they take risks on their school playground.

While parents do agree to these necessities for their children, they still feel more comfortable if they are sure of the safety of their little ones on the school playground equipment and even on commercial places. It is also more convenient if parents don't have to constantly watch over their kids while they play. Over the past few years, many such changes have been incorporated in the kids' play areas, including foam padding for playground surfaces, better food availability near play places, safer transportation and more information on health of the children. However, parents need to remember that while the playgrounds have made things easier for them and their little ones, they still need to stay mindful of the activities of the little ones.

That said, it is a positive change in the designing and building of playgrounds that the concerns of safety are being considered pragmatically along with the preservation of the primary purpose of playgrounds, that is to allow kids to have fun and learn from their mistakes in a proper social environment.


Baccarat - A Casino Card Game With III Phases and a Bit of History

Baccarat - A Casino Card Game With III Phases and a Bit of History

Before I explain this Baccarat game that dates back to the 15th Century, let's review a brief bit of history. Americans got their first real glimpse of this casino game during the 1962 James Bond movie, Dr. No, when Bond, played by Sean Connery, was winning in a Monte Carlo casino. The game was Chemin de fer.

Phase I - Chemin de fer

In this original version Players wagered among themselves and won or lost with their own money. A dealer shoe rotated around the table counterclockwise after each hand. Players could decline the bank and pass the shoe to the next player. A 5% commission for winning bank hands paid to the house was to cover the casino overhead.

Phase II - Punto Banco

Punto Banco, meaning Player, Banker, was introduced in Nevada from Cuba in the late 1950's, where it was very popular until Castro closed he mob run casinos. The main difference from the French version is that the house banks the game. A tie bet was added to increase the house edge, and the 5% commission to the house for a winning bank bet remains in place. Eventually the name baccarat, Italian for zero, was coined. Today baccarat is played in high limit rooms throughout the world where millions are won and lost each day.

Phase III - Mini-Baccarat

Eventually gaming establishments saw profit potential with Baccarat however they had to make it attractive to the average player. Hence, a new version was born, Mini-Baccarat.The rules for this game are exactly the same as Punto Banco except one house dealer controls he game for up to seven players. Table minimums are as low as $5 or $10. Numerous optional side bets have been added to increase the house edge.

How to Play Baccarat

The objective of baccarat is for the player to come as close to the number 9 as possible. Aces count as one, 2's - 9's are face value and 10's - K's count as zero.

Regardless of the number of players, the dealer only deals two hands from a six or eight deck shoe. Prior to the deal players must first place one bet on either the bank hand, player hand, or tie. Croupiers pass the shoe so players have the option in turn to deal the cards. In Mini-Baccarat, the shoe remains in place and the dealer controls all the action.

When a hand is totaled, it cannot exceed 9. If the two cards total more than 9, the first digit is dropped. The second digit becomes the total. Ex: 7,8=15. (the 1 is dropped) total = 5.

Baccarat requires no skill to play. All the player needs to do is place one bet before the deal. The dealer examines both hands to determine if a third and final card should be drawn. The determination is made according to a fixed set of game rules. Here they are:

Game Rules for Player Bet

The player position always draws on a 0, 1, and 2,3,4,5, unless the banker has a natural 8 or 9. Player always stands on 6,7,8, and 9. When the play bet has a natural 8 or 9, the game is over.

Game Rules for Banker Bet

The banker position always draws on a 0, 1, and 2 unless the player has a natural 8 or 9. The banker always stands on 7,8, and 9. When a banker has a natural 8 or 9, the game is over.


No playing strategy is required. Always bet the bank which has the lowest house edge at 1.06%, even with the 5% commission owed to the house. A player bet has a house edge of 1.24% while the tie bet that pays 8 to 1 has a whopping house edge of 14%!. This bet is not recommended. A number of optional side bets at the mini tables have house edges from 2 to 13%. These are not recommended.


Monday, August 27, 2018

The Basics of Medical Marijuana

The Basics of Medical Marijuana

The debate on the use of medical marijuana in the United States has long been ended. In fact, marijuana now can be purchased legally within 23 states of the US. It is also legal for marijuana to be used for recreational purpose in the states of Washington and Colorado. It goes to show that the medicinal value that is attached to the use of marijuana far outweighs any negative effects that comes along with its use. However, not everybody is convinced that medical marijuana is a good thing. There are now other countries such as Australia that are debating on the legalization of marijuana use. Here are some of their arguments.

Pros. As early as 2737 B.C., marijuana has been used for treating gout, malaria and rheumatism in China. The use of marijuana spread throughout Asia until it reaches India where it was used for pain and stress relief. The medical use of marijuana soon got the attention of US and European countries.

Marijuana for medical use can be taken in several forms such as smoking, vaporizing and ingestion. There are 60 active ingredients called cannabinoids found in marijuana that are associated to its medicinal capabilities. Our body naturally produces cannabinoids that are responsible for modulating the amount of pain that our body is feeling. The main cannabinoid found in marijuana is the THC which is short for tetrahydrocannabinol. This THC triggers the CB1 receptors found in the brain, the nervous system, and other primary organs of our body. When the CB1 receptors are activated, they release hormones that will quell stress and pain caused by damaged tissues or nerve cells. Studies have also revealed that medical marijuana reduces muscle spasms and other symptoms related to muscles becoming stiff.

Another medicinal use of marijuana is for stimulating the appetites of patients that suffer from suppressed appetites because of their medical conditions or treatment. Medical marijuana is prescribed to patients that are undergoing chemotherapy since this treatment will most often reduce a patient's appetite.

Although marijuana has been proven to have a lot of medicinal benefits, it goes without saying that its use may lead to different side effects. The THC of marijuana may affect the thinking and reasoning skills of its users. A person who is being treated with medical marijuana may have altered attention and judgement capabilities.

In the US, marijuana as a medicinal treatment is only being 'recommended' by doctors since the US federal law still prohibits the 'prescribing' of marijuana. Nevertheless, a person who wishes to purchase medical marijuana needs to have a diagnosis from a physician who will recommend the use of medical marijuana as a treatment for whatever illness they have.

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Sunday, August 26, 2018

Modern House Plans

Modern House Plans

Modern house plans offer a great alternative to the more traditional styles. Even if you don't want to go all the way with an ultra-modern house plan, there are many modern-inspired house plans that are not too extreme in their appearance.

Modern house plans include a range of styles, ranging from the stereotypical "concrete, steel, and glass" look to subtle or exaggerated variations of historically older house plan styles.

Historians of architecture and house plan sellers often use somewhat different definitions of styles, especially in the more fragmented modern house plans category. One synonym that's often used for modern house plans is "contemporary house plans." While technically a subcategory of modern house plans, contemporary house plans seem to describe best what most people would intuitively describe as "modern".

Technically, the following styles are all modern styles:

French Eclectic
Art Deco/Art Moderne
Finding modern house plans can be a bit challenging because of the loose definition of the term, but after a few initial searches you should get a feel for which sites have better offerings than others. Keep in mind that a site with the largest number of plans is not necessarily the best resource.

There are specialist designers focusing on modern plans, who may offer you more interesting and individual designs and smarter service. It just requires a bit more digging to reach the smaller studios. That said, looking through a large site's collection of house plans can be a quick and efficient way to refine your ideas for what you seek in a modern plan.

Personally, I'm a big fan of modern house plans, because they tend to have larger windows and open floor plans, which provide a flexible and spacious living experience. Even if your house doesn't look like a "modern" house from the outside, the interior layout of modern house plans makes it worthwhile to take a look at them.

연신내 트리플파크 모델하우스

Tuesday, August 14, 2018


Gambling is considered to be an activity that involves betting on the outcome of a contest, playing a game for money, or paying for the opportunity to enter a lottery. It is a very old form of entertainment and one that will be with us as long as we continue betting. The pleasure of gambling comes from the very real risk of losing even your most prized possession. On the opposite side, gambling comes from wagering valuables or material things one cannot afford to lose. In a nutshell, gambling though how entertaining it is has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Gambling, which most people would really enjoy, could be of many different forms which include scratch tickets, pull tab tickets, bingo games, mahjong, charity raffles, lottery tickets, betting on sports games or casino games.

Casino games can be considered most common among people and it is commonly played in almost every country around the world. These days people could be entertained by just playing casino games online. Online casinos, also considered as internet or virtual casinos are online adaptations of traditional casinos that most people liked playing many years ago.

A casino game is similar with the land-based casinos that offer odds and payback percentages. Some of them claim higher payback percentages for slot machine games and make known to people payout percentage on their websites or homepages. The payout percentage for the games, being played by gamblers is established by the rules of the game.

Today, most people seem to be bombarded with lots of negative things. For this reason, they would really take up gambling though just from time to time yet soon it becomes their habits.

Gambling is undeniably fun and casinos create an exhilarating atmosphere, and there is always that slim chance of winning a fortune. Today whatever game you desire playing, the casinos available online could always provide you fun and excitement. It easy to find virtual casinos and if you have already chosen the game you want to bet on then you have to get ready and make a deposit, you will be entitled for some terrific first deposit bonuses for sure.There are various online casinos that could provide players free casino credits which can be credited into their real player account once they have met all wagering requirements.

Various online casinos with no deposits could provide players free of charge bonuses to try out the casino games available. Some casinos offer or give players up to $150 of free bonuses but on the other hand, the normal amount a casino could give is between $10 up to $25 only. Most online casinos have their own verification process to make sure the gambler or the person playing is really the one whom registered. This is to ensure their protection.


장전 두산위브 포세이돈

Jangjeon is a dong, or precinct, in Geumjeong-gu, Busan, South Korea. A heavily populated district, it is located between the slopes of Geumjeongsan and the valley of the Oncheoncheon. It is bounded to the south by Oncheon-dong in Dongnae-gu and to the north by Guseo-dong. Due to its large population, Jangjeon-dong is divided into three "administrative dong," Jangjeon 1, 2, and 3-dong.

Jangjeon-dong is tightly connected to the Busan transit grid, with Busan Subway Line 1 making two stops, at Pusan National University Station and Jangjeon-dong station. Jangjeon-dong is home to Pusan National University, a major university in Busan, and to a popular shopping and restaurant district.

The name jangjeon literally means "long arrows." It is believed that the original inhabitants of the Jangjeon village were arrowsmiths, making long arrow shafts from the bamboo groves that still flourish on the slopes of Geumjeongsan.

장전 두산위브 포세이돈


To begin with, there are 2 main issues to be dealt with when building a playground: preparing a safe playground flooring and gathering necessary equipment. The first issue is much too often overlooked, despite the fact that it is the flooring which plays a deciding role when a child is falling down. Falls are the main cause of accidents on a playground! Grass or natural soil are usually not sufficient to cushion the impact of a child's fall.

The equipment is another factor and here the money should not be spared. Obviously, the existing playing equipment can be used if it is in a good condition and regularly maintained. When buying new equipment, one should choose a reliable manufacturer whose equipment complies with international safety standards. The manufacturer should inform you which equipment can be installed in a DIY manner, and what needs to be carried out by a professional company.

Calculating playground area

Let's start with designating a safe playground area, which should be large enough not only to fit all the equipment, but also to comprise the impact area, which is where a child can fall. Remember that the impact area is to be free of obstacles. In order to be able to calculate this area, we need to know the critical fall height of the equipment. For example, if the maximum height from which a child can fall is 2 m, the ground has to be covered with protective playground flooring certified to attenuate the impact from 2 metres. Moreover, the flooring should reach 1.8 m behind the edge of the equipment in question. The formula to calculate the impact area is: 2/3*critical fall height + 50cm.

This means that one should always pave the playground with safety flooring reaching 1.5 to 2.5 metres behind the equipment.

Another important safety requirement is that the maximum fall height is 3 metres. So, make sure none of the equipment where a child can stand or climb is higher than 3 m. Finally, let's not forget about common sense which should guide you in the first place when building a private playground.

Preparing the subfloor

Once you have looked at the location of the existing equipment or installed the new one (following the manufacturer's instruction) and once you have designed the total playground area, it is time to prepare the subfloor. If you build a DIY playground it is much easier if the subfloor is bound (e.g. concrete, paving stone, asphalt, tiles). In that case, you can lay safety flooring directly on top of it, without the need to prepare the base course. If you choose rubber playground mats which are interlocking, you will not even need to glue the tiles.

If your subfloor is unbound, for example it is soil, sand or grass, you need to prepare it first to make it load-bearing and solid. The best and most economical way is to prepare a grit or gravel bedding. Level the existing area and place a layer of about 15 cm of sharp-edged gravel, which should be compacted and levelled. Now you can pave the safety playground mats directly onto the gravel bedding. Rain water will seep through the porous mats and through the gravel layer to the ground. This solution is ecological and very practical - there will be no puddles and children can use the playground in any weather!

Low-maintenance playground flooring

Rubber mats are the most practical flooring solution for a safe DIY playground. Apart from the fact that they are childishly easy to install, they require practically no maintenance. Playground mats are made from a permanently elastic material (polyurethane-bonded rubber granulate) which means they are absolutely weatherproof. They will not rot or crack, and they will last for about 15 years or more. If there is any problem, individual mats can be lifted or exchanged.

Other playground materials are either very expensive or difficult to maintain. Especially sand, grass or wood chips need constant maintenance, exchange and replenishment. The expenses related to this can be overwhelming for a community or neighbourhood. Especially that the layer of these loose fill materials has to be quite thick to provide the necessary fall protection.

With rubber playground mats it is very easy to provide the fall protection necessary on a particular playground. The manufacturer always informs you what the critical fall height for each safety mat is, and which one is suitable for installations on unbound subfloor. Rubber granulate mats are easy to cut on site and they have small formats to make DIY work a little bit easier.



Anime - Anime is the affectionately shortened name for animation in Japan. It's written in Katakana, as a derivative of English and general refers to any animation conceived and drawn in Japan. There is however a certain style and method to anime that can be recognized the world over as unique to Japanese animation. The simple, exaggerated character features and surprisingly detailed settings along with the actual thematic content, usually a coming of age story of some sort. Some character's development through a series of trials via uniquely Japanese morals of perseverance and strength.

Baka - Japanese slang for stupid. It's affectionately used to describe every goofball, oddball, and erstwhile character in an anime. Usually applied by a female toward a male, it's best defined as the catch all insult for a nerdy, insecure male (and sometimes female) who accordingly does something stupid. Hence, Baka.

Cosplay - The unique and overwhelming practice by anime fans the world over of dressing as their favorite anime and video game characters for the sake of meeting up with other extreme fans and comparing their realism. Because anime is drawn (mostly) to scale, and the clothing is generally brightly colored and completely impractical, characters are easily recognized on those who have a particular talent in this arena. Expos are held for cosplayers annually, as well as contests. It's something of an underground phenomenon in the culture that's become much less underground in recent years.

Doujinshi - The Japanese word for fan created manga based on existing characters. Pretty much the anime equivalent of the Star Wars novels. There's a huge market for these fan created fictions in Japan, and because of the massive pool of talent they're often of equal or greater quality than the source material. Seems like a good way to go. Keep your future employees on the outside, drawing for free.

Ecchi - A Japanese word that roughly translates to 'pervert'. Basically it's used to describe all those school girl animes in which the skirts stop about two inches above their panty line, and yet somehow magically stay on. It's not quite the caliber of Hentai as it tries not to be pornographic, but the fan service and suggestive themes quotient are fairly off the map.

Fan - For American anime connoisseurs especially, the fan is one of the only ways to get access to some anime, and until recently pretty much the only way. Fan stands for Fansubbing (the fan produced subtitling of shows ripped straight from Japanese television ), Fandubbing (the slightly less done, and often much funnier dubbing of the same material by fans), Fanfiction (the written form of Doujinshi, often involving a whole lot of Ecchi), and Fan Service (in which a show will purposely do something over the top or suggestive because they know that's what their fans are looking for). The fan is what floats the market for anime, especially in America where until very recently the market was mostly a blackmarket.

Gundam - One of the original fathers of anime. Around for 25 or more years now, Gundam has produced more than 25 series and movies since it debuted in 1979, and continues to be one of the most popular series on each every year, with an exponential growth of productions of late. The show was one of the pioneers of the giant mech anime and an underground favorite in America for years....and it makes for some pretty funny cosplayers.

Hentai - And of course, with any art form, when you have a large enough fan base, someone perverts it. Pornographic anime has something that normal pornography does not though, lots of creepy weird tentacles and occasionally a plot. Yes, in line with many of Japan's finer arts, Hentai does try occasionally to inject a bit of intelligence into their mindless sex. And the production quality tends to be higher even than normal productions. Speaks to the nature of porn, I guess. It runs the industry.

Idol - The idol mentality runs the Japanese pop culture sphere. Their singers are everywhere, their movie stars are singers, their movie-star-singers are tv hosts. Their movie-star-singer-tv-hosts are voice actors. It's all cyclical and it means mass exposure in a crowded country of a 140 million. And it leaks over in the shows they make, and the mass production of the shows (usually one a week every week until the show's done...for some shows that's years) and the production values all speak to this.

Jump - Shonen Jump is the monthly manga publication in Japan that broke some of the biggest names in anime. Dragonball, Naruto, One Piece, Kenshin and so on. The super popular children oriented anime that rules the charts comes out of this little gem repeatedly. And now it's here in the US. Power in circulation.

Kawaii - Japanese adjective for cute. And that's how you describe half of what they produce. Super cute, to the point of nausea at times. The ability to turn the ugliest, most disturbing things into cute and cuddly mascots is a distinctly Japanese ability. Just look at half of the Pokemon. Butt ugly, but cute nonetheless.

Love Hina - Love Hina didn't invent it, but it did it best - the dorm fantasy anime that is. And it is its own subgenre now. A dorky young male who has no luck with the ladies finds himself thrown into a situation where he's surrounded by women daily, who ultimately assault him and make his life a living hell, at the same time as falling in love with him. Ecchi moments abound and often our altruistic hero ends up with a bloody nose on the rocks outside of a hotspring somewhere.

Manga - Ah yes, the birthparent of the whole thing. Manga is the comic book, hand drawn formula for the whole craze. Started as an offshoot of the woodprint art forms of the 19th century and earlier, Manga took compelling stories and serialized them into fun, easy to read comic books. Not to say that the Supermans and Detective Comics of America didn't help this fad along.

Neon Genesis Evangelion - A derivative of the giant mech anime, Evangelion broke into new legions of fans by being what some anime had dared before, but few had fully succeeded at - mature and intelligent. A common enough theme these days, Evangelion managed to take biblical, complicated social, and personal themes and craft them into an often times funny, apocalyptic epic 24 episode series and 2 films.

Otaku - in what is actually an insult in Japan, translating roughly as 'you'...but more commonly known as 'no-life geek who spends all his time building GUNDAM models...' The definition is slightly less caustic on our side of the Pacific, generally referring to someone who merely enjoys the depths of Japanese pop culture, watches anime after school, and draws characters from their favorite shows on their notebooks. More of a clique in school than a mock-worthy subculture. But, that is quickly changing of course, as the anime arena is growing so rapidly here in the states.

Pokemon - Pokemon is the new generation of child-oriented anime born of marketing necessity, used to sell video games, video games used to sell the show. It's been on for almost 10 years now, and still new episodes pop up. If the Japanese do anything right, it's sell stuff, and Pokemon continues to sell, actually marketing to an entirely new generation of kids these days.

Queen Emeraldas - I'm copping out a bit here because Q as we all know is the crappiest letter in the alphabet to do an ABC list with. Queen Emeraldas is a good anime though. An OAV produced in 1998 as an offshoot of the Harlock and Galaxy Express 999 series, Queen Emeraldas continues the story of a popular character that if you haven't seen either of the previous shows will make no sense to you.

Rurouni Kenshin - Kenshin is the epic tale of a wandering samurai in the Meiji era of Japan known as Kenshin. He finds a small martial arts school in the new capital and after saving the young heir he stays with her and undertakes various quests to help the government which he helped to form a few years earlier survive. He's an incredibly badass swordsman and attracts a nice little entourage of characters. I don't know if it's the most important thing in the world in terms of anime, but it's one of my favorite shows, so it's on the list.

Shoujo - The term used to describe anime targeted to young girls. All the Sailormoons and Cardcaptor Sakuras out there fit here. It's actually a nice niche to have and does extremely well here as well as Japan. It's a testament to the popularity of a sub culture when it actually takes the time to stop drawing violent battles between half witted males to appeal to young girls as well.

Tezuka Osamu - The Walt Disney of anime, Dr. Tezuka created Astroboy, Kimba the White Lion, Metropolis and countless more anime classics that more or less established the art form. He's the guy you want to look at whenever you ask, "who's responsible for all this?"

Urusei Yatsura - A monstrously popular 1970s and 80s franchise spanning almost 200 episodes, 10 movies and a handful of OVAs. It's pretty much about a group of "obnoxious aliens" (the actual translation) that invade and goof up earth. They're all girls, and were a part of the beginnings of what made Love Hina happen, a lecherous teenage boy surrounded by strange, sexy women. Yup, they sure know how to make shows over there.

Voice acting - Come on. It is animation right? Unlike the US animation sector, Japan's voice acting pool is vast and actually talented. US companies use the same people over and over and pay them peanuts, and they generally suck at what they do. In Japan, the respect from doing what they do is that much more pronounced...and they don't suck.

Wings of Honneamise - Another landmark anime, this is the first film produced by super studio Gainax (the guys who did Evangelion among others). It's essentially a science fiction, military fantasy with some twists to history and technology. One of my favorite examples of how anime bends the genres in which it operates as well. It's out there and that's why we love it.

X - Yup, just X. From Clamp, a group of female artists whose fan base (and quality of workmanship) is obscene, X is one of their earlier films, later made into a series. The style is best described as Shoujo without the service to only girls.

Yaoi - The slightly homosexual version of Ecchi, Yaoi is usually a homoerotic fan service of male characters in typical situations acting sexually ambiguous and often getting rather close to each other. When out put is so great, you can expect anything right, and the chic-gay of Yaoi is immensely popular in Japan.

Z, Dragon Ball - I cheated again, so what. Dragon ball Z was one of the key reasons that anime spread to the mainstream here in the states after all, with a couple hundred episodes and memorably long (and I mean looooong) fights, Dragon ball Z captured the fan base of all the young violence prone kids nationwide and kept them enthralled into their 20s (yeah, yeah...quit looking at me).


패션 비즈니스

Recently, I've been thinking a lot about the ever-changing landscape as it relates to online marketing and the services that entrepreneurs and corporations purchase from digital marketing services agencies.

In recent times, many of you might remember the news concerning a number of corporations that pulled advertising dollars away from YouTube, leaving a number of prominent YouTube content creators very upset about decreases in income - and I'm sure Google and YouTube were not pleased about the situation either.

I then read where Proctor & Gamble, a huge investor in digital marketing globally, recently cutback over $140 million dollars USD on digital advertising due to ineffectual online ads. Why were they saying these ads were ineffective? Their two greatest reasons cited were that many of their ads were ending up attached to content of objectionable quality, which means that YouTube was not able to discern which channels were good locations to place these ads and companies were getting their names and ads associated with content they did not want to be in any way related to. And secondly, many of their ads were falling into channels and spots where "bots" were looking at the ads instead of human eyes. And bots do not spend any money on products so these advertising dollars were just being thrown away.

The funny thing was that after these advertising cuts had occurred, virtually no loss in sales or business growth were noticed by these corporations. The only thing to change was the increased percentage effectiveness of advertising spend relating to sales.

JP Morgan Chase in March reduced the 400,000 sites it had been allowing ads to be placed on down to only about 5,000 pre-approved sites and, as quoted by their Chief Marketing Officer, Kristin Lemkau, to the New York Times: "we haven't seen any deterioration on our performance metrics" since the change."

Over the past several years, we have seen corporations make steady moves away from spending money on TV advertising in the direction of digital advertising because quite frankly, a great many more leads per dollar spent were attainable online. Many digital marketing firms enjoyed dramatic growth over just a few years due to this windfall of media spend money coming in.

For a time, it was utopia but now corporations are learning as is evidenced by the examples above. They are now creating the statistical charts and graphs they need to show their management teams how effective their media spends are. And they are now able to discern where their bang for the buck just isn't there and to drill down on those statistics to figure out why - which is why you are now seeing these cutback types of moves occurring across the corporate landscape and the statements being made as to why the cutbacks are occurring.

To obtain the media spend capital from these corporations today, it is becoming more apparent that digital marketing services companies had best be prepared to show statistical evidence that the money spent will engender the financial returns anticipated. And as a marketing firm, you will need to be able to start answering questions about how you can manage their funds so that real people and not bots are viewing the ads being placed and that the ads are being placed in quality places, attached to quality content. If you can't, you may end up being cut just like the 3,500 websites got cut that had been profiting from JP Morgan Chase advertisements.

In summary, it is getting tougher to be a digital marketing firm these days and it will come to be even more so. Online marketing services companies will have to do more due diligence as they find places to spend corporation advertising budgets. And more due diligence means more work which will cut into profit margins. However, if you want to stay in business over the longer term, this something you are going to have to get good at. Those that do, will be picking up additional business from advertising firms that don't.

패션 비즈니스