Apply Lessons From US Military Training
"If we do go to war, psychological operations are going to be absolutely a critical, critical part of any campaign that we must get involved in." - General H. Norman Schwarzkopf
The U.S. Military knows that survival is a mentality or a way of thinking. The same can be said about thriving. The lens that you use to view the world plays a big role in the results that you obtain through your efforts. Thus, you must align your consistent outlook for surviving and thriving with proven approaches to surviving and thriving in tough times if you are to break away from the grasp and momentum of your major challenges.
In his book, The Survivor's Club, Ben Sherwood opens with a prologue about his experience participating in a dramatic survival training exercise at the U.S. Marine's Aviation Survival Training Center. As a journalist, he is not only able to experience the training but vividly report on the experience and share the key lessons for us to apply in other potential survival situations.
Based on the experience, he found several keys to the approach that the U.S. Military uses in training their personnel for survival:
They understand that crisis is inevitable and you must anticipate adversity and crisis if you are to have the best chances for survival
When faced with adversity or challenges, they train personnel to observe and analyze the situation, devise a plan, and decisively take action - this all must be done quickly because, in most crisis situations, time is of the essence
If (and most likely when) things go wrong, survivors must be trained to adapt and improvise, not panic
If (and probably when) you get overwhelmed, you have to recover quickly. Thus, recovery strategies and approaches must be close to automatic reactions
Waiting for the worst to end is a critical strategic and tactical option that most likely will be needed. Frozen panic will kill you but so will overly aggressive action at the wrong time! People must be trained to hold back, identify right moment, and then do what is gives them the best chance to survive
"Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe, to assure the survival and success of liberty." - President John F. Kennedy
During times of great universal challenge or major personal crisis, the above approaches will help you not only survive, they can help you find the hidden opportunity to thrive by working through your adversity. If you panic, wish things were not happening or it were just easier, you will significantly reduce your chances of creating something positive from your experiences. And during those most severe crisis situations, you just may not survive!
Defense News
Sunday, November 25, 2018
Saturday, November 24, 2018
Configuración de límites y resolución de conflictos
Configuración de límites y resolución de conflictos
¿Qué tiene que ver la configuración de límites con la resolución de conflictos? Resulta más de lo que piensas. ¿Cómo responde usted típicamente al conflicto? Si tiene tendencia a la rebelión o al cumplimiento, es probable que no haya tenido mucha práctica en establecer límites. Claramente, la configuración de límites no suele ser una parte de la educación de un niño. Más bien, los niños están condicionados a no establecer límites como una forma de evitar las reacciones negativas de los demás. La capacidad de establecer límites, de cuidarse a sí mismo, comienza con la creencia de que vale la pena cuidar de su “yo”.
Si ha aprendido que cuidarse a sí mismo resulta en conflicto, rechazo o abandono, es probable que evite cuándo necesita establecer un límite, en lugar de arriesgarse. Además, es probable que haya tenido una escasez de buenos modelos a seguir. La mayoría de los adultos tienden a caer en una de dos categorías: excavadoras o felpudos.
El grito de batalla de los bulldozers es “a mi manera o la carretera”. Creen que tienen el derecho de que sus necesidades sean atendidas y atendidas a expensas de todos los demás. Los felpudos son “buenos” chicos. Son muy complacientes y lo hacen a expensas de sus propias necesidades. Ninguno de estos patrones realmente se trata de establecer límites. El establecimiento de límites siempre toma en cuenta las propias necesidades y se basa en una comunicación honesta y directa (en lugar de en la manipulación y la clarividencia).
Cosas que debes saber sobre el establecimiento de límites
- Las personas buenas y decentes establecen límites. Establecer límites te hace una persona segura. La gente sabe dónde están parados contigo. Los límites son la forma en que nos cuidamos a nosotros mismos. Tenemos tanto el derecho como el deber de protegernos y defendernos.
- La gente generosa establece límites. Si no establece límites, se está regalando. Con los límites solo da lo que quiere, lo que significa que puede permitirse ser generoso con más personas durante un período de tiempo más largo.
- Los límites permiten que otros crezcan. Porque hace que otros estén conscientes de su comportamiento, lo que les permite cambiar.
- Los límites le permiten obtener más de lo que quiere y menos de lo que no quiere. Los límites no solo lo protegen de comportamientos no deseados, sino que también fomentan el comportamiento que desea.
- Las personas efectivas establecen límites. Porque al hacerlo, mantienes el control de tu tiempo y los esfuerzos que te hacen sentir mejor contigo mismo. Esto te lleva a ser más efectivo.
- Adhieren a sus armas. Para que el establecimiento de límites funcione para usted, debe desarrollar un compromiso para defender lo que es correcto y verdadero para usted. Debes actuar consistentemente para defender tus límites.
- La práctica hace la perfección. Si este no es un comportamiento familiar, al principio se sentirá incómodo y poco natural, pero al principio vale la pena hacer algo que valga la pena. A la gente puede que no le guste que al principio es natural, ya que están acostumbrados a hacer lo que quieren con usted. Seguid así. Con la práctica obtendrás más habilidad y gracia.
Ejemplos de límites personales
Otras personas no pueden
- Criticame.
- Humíllate.
- Invadir mi espacio personal o pertenencias.
- Mienteme.
- Hacer comentarios despectivos sobre mi apariencia.
- Aprovecharse de mí.
- Sacar su ira o frustraciones fuera de mí.
Si no nos respetamos a nosotros mismos, ¿cómo podemos esperar obtener respeto de los demás?
Beneficios de la configuración de límites
- Contribución al bienestar de los demás.
- Libertad del mal comportamiento, miedo o dolor.
- Mayor autoestima y autoestima.
- Más respeto de los demás.
- Requisito para la comunicación honesta y directa.
Ejemplos de configuración de límites
- Ira - “No puedes seguir gritándome. Si lo haces, abandonaré la sala y terminaré esta reunión”.
- Compre tiempo - “Tengo una política de no tomar decisiones rápidas. Necesito tiempo para pensar y reflexionar sobre lo que quiero hacer. Si necesita una respuesta inmediata, será No.”
- Crítica - “No me parece bien que desee comentarios sobre mi peso. Por favor, deténgase. Si no lo hace, no podré continuar con esta conversación”.
- Compromisos adicionales - “Aunque este es un tema importante para mí, debo rechazar su solicitud de ayuda en este momento. O debo cumplir con las necesidades de mi familia”.
- Dinero - “No le prestaré más dinero. Me preocupo por usted y usted necesita comenzar a asumir la responsabilidad por usted mismo”.
Pautas para establecer un límite
- Copia de seguridad de configuración de límites con acción.
- Sea directo, firme y amable.
- No debatir, defender o sobre-explicar.
- Tenga soporte fácilmente disponible en las líneas laterales en el principio.
- Mantente fuerte, no te rindas.
RECUERDE, no es suficiente establecer límites, es necesario estar dispuesto a hacer lo que sea necesario para hacerlos cumplir. ¿Cuál es el papel de
- Establecer de forma clara y no emocional.
- Acciones que estás dispuesto a tomar.
- Puede permitir el cambio gradual.
- Puede ser negociable en lugar de líneas rígidas en la arena.
Establecer límites y límites personales puede ser muy importante en la forma en que lleva su vida y la calidad de las relaciones que tiene.
resolución conflictos
¿Qué tiene que ver la configuración de límites con la resolución de conflictos? Resulta más de lo que piensas. ¿Cómo responde usted típicamente al conflicto? Si tiene tendencia a la rebelión o al cumplimiento, es probable que no haya tenido mucha práctica en establecer límites. Claramente, la configuración de límites no suele ser una parte de la educación de un niño. Más bien, los niños están condicionados a no establecer límites como una forma de evitar las reacciones negativas de los demás. La capacidad de establecer límites, de cuidarse a sí mismo, comienza con la creencia de que vale la pena cuidar de su “yo”.
Si ha aprendido que cuidarse a sí mismo resulta en conflicto, rechazo o abandono, es probable que evite cuándo necesita establecer un límite, en lugar de arriesgarse. Además, es probable que haya tenido una escasez de buenos modelos a seguir. La mayoría de los adultos tienden a caer en una de dos categorías: excavadoras o felpudos.
El grito de batalla de los bulldozers es “a mi manera o la carretera”. Creen que tienen el derecho de que sus necesidades sean atendidas y atendidas a expensas de todos los demás. Los felpudos son “buenos” chicos. Son muy complacientes y lo hacen a expensas de sus propias necesidades. Ninguno de estos patrones realmente se trata de establecer límites. El establecimiento de límites siempre toma en cuenta las propias necesidades y se basa en una comunicación honesta y directa (en lugar de en la manipulación y la clarividencia).
Cosas que debes saber sobre el establecimiento de límites
- Las personas buenas y decentes establecen límites. Establecer límites te hace una persona segura. La gente sabe dónde están parados contigo. Los límites son la forma en que nos cuidamos a nosotros mismos. Tenemos tanto el derecho como el deber de protegernos y defendernos.
- La gente generosa establece límites. Si no establece límites, se está regalando. Con los límites solo da lo que quiere, lo que significa que puede permitirse ser generoso con más personas durante un período de tiempo más largo.
- Los límites permiten que otros crezcan. Porque hace que otros estén conscientes de su comportamiento, lo que les permite cambiar.
- Los límites le permiten obtener más de lo que quiere y menos de lo que no quiere. Los límites no solo lo protegen de comportamientos no deseados, sino que también fomentan el comportamiento que desea.
- Las personas efectivas establecen límites. Porque al hacerlo, mantienes el control de tu tiempo y los esfuerzos que te hacen sentir mejor contigo mismo. Esto te lleva a ser más efectivo.
- Adhieren a sus armas. Para que el establecimiento de límites funcione para usted, debe desarrollar un compromiso para defender lo que es correcto y verdadero para usted. Debes actuar consistentemente para defender tus límites.
- La práctica hace la perfección. Si este no es un comportamiento familiar, al principio se sentirá incómodo y poco natural, pero al principio vale la pena hacer algo que valga la pena. A la gente puede que no le guste que al principio es natural, ya que están acostumbrados a hacer lo que quieren con usted. Seguid así. Con la práctica obtendrás más habilidad y gracia.
Ejemplos de límites personales
Otras personas no pueden
- Criticame.
- Humíllate.
- Invadir mi espacio personal o pertenencias.
- Mienteme.
- Hacer comentarios despectivos sobre mi apariencia.
- Aprovecharse de mí.
- Sacar su ira o frustraciones fuera de mí.
Si no nos respetamos a nosotros mismos, ¿cómo podemos esperar obtener respeto de los demás?
Beneficios de la configuración de límites
- Contribución al bienestar de los demás.
- Libertad del mal comportamiento, miedo o dolor.
- Mayor autoestima y autoestima.
- Más respeto de los demás.
- Requisito para la comunicación honesta y directa.
Ejemplos de configuración de límites
- Ira - “No puedes seguir gritándome. Si lo haces, abandonaré la sala y terminaré esta reunión”.
- Compre tiempo - “Tengo una política de no tomar decisiones rápidas. Necesito tiempo para pensar y reflexionar sobre lo que quiero hacer. Si necesita una respuesta inmediata, será No.”
- Crítica - “No me parece bien que desee comentarios sobre mi peso. Por favor, deténgase. Si no lo hace, no podré continuar con esta conversación”.
- Compromisos adicionales - “Aunque este es un tema importante para mí, debo rechazar su solicitud de ayuda en este momento. O debo cumplir con las necesidades de mi familia”.
- Dinero - “No le prestaré más dinero. Me preocupo por usted y usted necesita comenzar a asumir la responsabilidad por usted mismo”.
Pautas para establecer un límite
- Copia de seguridad de configuración de límites con acción.
- Sea directo, firme y amable.
- No debatir, defender o sobre-explicar.
- Tenga soporte fácilmente disponible en las líneas laterales en el principio.
- Mantente fuerte, no te rindas.
RECUERDE, no es suficiente establecer límites, es necesario estar dispuesto a hacer lo que sea necesario para hacerlos cumplir. ¿Cuál es el papel de
- Establecer de forma clara y no emocional.
- Acciones que estás dispuesto a tomar.
- Puede permitir el cambio gradual.
- Puede ser negociable en lugar de líneas rígidas en la arena.
Establecer límites y límites personales puede ser muy importante en la forma en que lleva su vida y la calidad de las relaciones que tiene.
resolución conflictos
Wednesday, November 7, 2018
Why Used Auto Parts Are Better Than New Auto Parts
Why Used Auto Parts Are Better Than New Auto Parts
For the last 60 years auto recyclers, otherwise known as auto wreckers or auto dismantlers with their junkyards and salvage yards, have played an important role in the economy and environment. More and more car owners are turning to used auto parts rather than new car parts for their car maintenance and repair needs, for several reasons:
· Purchasing used auto parts instead of new car parts allows you to save money by about 55% on average.
· Purchasing used car parts means that you have a wider selection in the used parts market from which to pick the right car part that specifically meets the fit, functionality and quality requirement of your current car and car parts.
· By purchasing used auto parts you are helping to lessen the pollution to the environment. Automotive recycling plays an important role in conserving natural resources and minimizing the demand on scarce landfill space. Other then lessening the negative impact on natural resources, Automotive recycling plays a major role in reducing water pollution, air pollution and solid waste generation.
Guide to Buying Used Auto Parts from Auto Recyclers
Keeping your car roadworthy can be a very expensive undertaking these days, especially with today's tough economic climate making it more difficult for many people to earn and save money. But by using used auto parts, not only can you save money, you can also help conserve natural resources, and still get the correct specified parts for your car. For these reason, thousands of people every year elect to purchase used car parts.
With this increase in demand, the internet has become an ideal vehicle in bringing the buyers and sellers of used auto parts together. Before you make your used car parts purchase online, here is a general guide to assist you in choosing the right auto parts at the best price.
· Whenever you purchase a car part, make sure you have your Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) handy. This number can provide the seller with a lot of information about your car, including the year, make and model. Having your VIN available is especially important when purchasing drive train components such as engines and transmissions.
· Make sure the company from which you are buying the auto part offers a warranty on the part. Make sure you read and understand the terms of that warranty before making the purchase.
· Find out how many miles are on the auto part, and find out whether the part is being sold as used, rebuilt or remanufactured.
Auto Parts
For the last 60 years auto recyclers, otherwise known as auto wreckers or auto dismantlers with their junkyards and salvage yards, have played an important role in the economy and environment. More and more car owners are turning to used auto parts rather than new car parts for their car maintenance and repair needs, for several reasons:
· Purchasing used auto parts instead of new car parts allows you to save money by about 55% on average.
· Purchasing used car parts means that you have a wider selection in the used parts market from which to pick the right car part that specifically meets the fit, functionality and quality requirement of your current car and car parts.
· By purchasing used auto parts you are helping to lessen the pollution to the environment. Automotive recycling plays an important role in conserving natural resources and minimizing the demand on scarce landfill space. Other then lessening the negative impact on natural resources, Automotive recycling plays a major role in reducing water pollution, air pollution and solid waste generation.
Guide to Buying Used Auto Parts from Auto Recyclers
Keeping your car roadworthy can be a very expensive undertaking these days, especially with today's tough economic climate making it more difficult for many people to earn and save money. But by using used auto parts, not only can you save money, you can also help conserve natural resources, and still get the correct specified parts for your car. For these reason, thousands of people every year elect to purchase used car parts.
With this increase in demand, the internet has become an ideal vehicle in bringing the buyers and sellers of used auto parts together. Before you make your used car parts purchase online, here is a general guide to assist you in choosing the right auto parts at the best price.
· Whenever you purchase a car part, make sure you have your Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) handy. This number can provide the seller with a lot of information about your car, including the year, make and model. Having your VIN available is especially important when purchasing drive train components such as engines and transmissions.
· Make sure the company from which you are buying the auto part offers a warranty on the part. Make sure you read and understand the terms of that warranty before making the purchase.
· Find out how many miles are on the auto part, and find out whether the part is being sold as used, rebuilt or remanufactured.
Auto Parts
Monday, November 5, 2018
Simple Online Dating Advice For Men
Simple Online Dating Advice For Men
When it comes to online dating advice for men, you're going to want to really explore it. Don't just assume that you know what you're doing. In fact, if you look online and are trying to date through a variety of different sites, you will most likely not get many dates. The reason why is simple; many don't adhere to any online dating advice for men. In fact, many men assume that they know it all, and that's the first big mistake you can make. To ensure that you're moving forward the right way, consider a few simple tips to help you gain the upper hand.
Pay Close Attention To The Text of a Profile
Before you send out a lot of messages, make sure that you pay attention to the text of a profile. When you're replying, make sure that you make mention of some of the things that the person has written out. Doing so will help ensure that you are able to connect with someone on a social level. Of course, you may not get a reply, which is fine. When you are mulling over online dating advice for men, this is important, be patient.
Take Good Pictures of Yourself (no selfies)
Don't post a selfie. Instead, ask a friend or family member to take a picture of you that gives a picture of your whole body. Then take a picture of a hobby you have, while you're enjoying it. Make sure that your images are sincere, diverse, and aren't overtly sexual in any way. Smile, and look like you are having fun in your life. Let people in a little, so that they get a glimpse of how your personality truly is. Pictures that show you in proper light will be part of the best online dating advice for men you can get today.
Pay For The Membership
One of the best pieces of advice you're going to get from anywhere online, is this one, pay for the membership. When you actually focus on the best online dating advice for men, you will find this is one of the best tips. Paying for the membership fees of a website shows others that you're serious. You're serious about dating, and you are looking around for a mate. You will find that you will also get to talk to real people, and ask them out. In most cases, you can browse for free, but communication will cost you. You're going to find that paying for this privilege is a bit much at first, but if you can get a few dates, and perhaps your soul mate, it's not that much overall.
No Strings Attached Dating - NSA
When it comes to online dating advice for men, you're going to want to really explore it. Don't just assume that you know what you're doing. In fact, if you look online and are trying to date through a variety of different sites, you will most likely not get many dates. The reason why is simple; many don't adhere to any online dating advice for men. In fact, many men assume that they know it all, and that's the first big mistake you can make. To ensure that you're moving forward the right way, consider a few simple tips to help you gain the upper hand.
Pay Close Attention To The Text of a Profile
Before you send out a lot of messages, make sure that you pay attention to the text of a profile. When you're replying, make sure that you make mention of some of the things that the person has written out. Doing so will help ensure that you are able to connect with someone on a social level. Of course, you may not get a reply, which is fine. When you are mulling over online dating advice for men, this is important, be patient.
Take Good Pictures of Yourself (no selfies)
Don't post a selfie. Instead, ask a friend or family member to take a picture of you that gives a picture of your whole body. Then take a picture of a hobby you have, while you're enjoying it. Make sure that your images are sincere, diverse, and aren't overtly sexual in any way. Smile, and look like you are having fun in your life. Let people in a little, so that they get a glimpse of how your personality truly is. Pictures that show you in proper light will be part of the best online dating advice for men you can get today.
Pay For The Membership
One of the best pieces of advice you're going to get from anywhere online, is this one, pay for the membership. When you actually focus on the best online dating advice for men, you will find this is one of the best tips. Paying for the membership fees of a website shows others that you're serious. You're serious about dating, and you are looking around for a mate. You will find that you will also get to talk to real people, and ask them out. In most cases, you can browse for free, but communication will cost you. You're going to find that paying for this privilege is a bit much at first, but if you can get a few dates, and perhaps your soul mate, it's not that much overall.
No Strings Attached Dating - NSA
Thursday, November 1, 2018
The Use of Drones in Photography
The Use of Drones in Photography
Drones are being extensively used in the field of photography. It started as a hobby, but recently it has taken a professional turn. A drone is an amazing tool that can help capture breathtaking aerial shots that were unimaginable before. You might have seen stunning aerial shots of landscapes like mountains, rivers, deserts and fields in movies. A helicopter is usually used for filming such images in the movie business and a large crew is present to assist the camera person. However, in real life it is almost impossible to arrange for a helicopter. Even if you have the finances available to you to arrange for a helicopter, you would require a pilot to fly the helicopter so that you can take photos. So, if you want to indulge in aerial photography without having to spend a fortune over it, then drones are your best option.
Drones come in various varieties. You can choose the one most suited to your photography needs quite easily. There are some models that can be bought for less than $100 such as the Blade Nano QX. This model is ideal for beginners and budding photographers who have just started using drones for photography purposes. There is always a possibility that the drone will crash while you are learning to fly it, so it is better to buy a cheaper version first.
Photographers who are well-versed in piloting a drone by themselves can opt to buy more advanced drones that have the capability of carrying a larger camera. Some of the most popular models of drones that are currently being used for commercial photography include the DJI Phantom series. If you are confident about your drone flying skills then you can even go for the Iris by 3D Robotics. These drones may cost you around $800, but they are worth the cost. The quality of photos that you get from these drones is amazing.
There are other drones that come with an attached Go Pro camera such as DJI Phantom 2 but the cost is double of what you will pay for the ones mentioned above. Do keep in mind that better the camera you have on your drone, the higher the quality of pictures and videos you will be able to shoot.
The camera is the most important piece of equipment when you are interested in clicking great shots with the help of your drone. A crucial factor in the selection of the camera is its weight. The best camera in the market at the moment is the GoPro Hero3 Black edition which weighs a mere 73 grams and can give you high quality photos and videos. This camera has built-in Wi-Fi and is compatible with OEM and third party accessories. The accessories that you may want to buy include:
· Transmitter to increase the range of your link.
· Receiver to decrease the noise when you receive the video on the ground.
· Goggles to view the video feeds.
· Anti-gravity motors and specialized remote controls are also a few accessories that will improve your experience with your drone.
Drone Training Toronto
Drones are being extensively used in the field of photography. It started as a hobby, but recently it has taken a professional turn. A drone is an amazing tool that can help capture breathtaking aerial shots that were unimaginable before. You might have seen stunning aerial shots of landscapes like mountains, rivers, deserts and fields in movies. A helicopter is usually used for filming such images in the movie business and a large crew is present to assist the camera person. However, in real life it is almost impossible to arrange for a helicopter. Even if you have the finances available to you to arrange for a helicopter, you would require a pilot to fly the helicopter so that you can take photos. So, if you want to indulge in aerial photography without having to spend a fortune over it, then drones are your best option.
Drones come in various varieties. You can choose the one most suited to your photography needs quite easily. There are some models that can be bought for less than $100 such as the Blade Nano QX. This model is ideal for beginners and budding photographers who have just started using drones for photography purposes. There is always a possibility that the drone will crash while you are learning to fly it, so it is better to buy a cheaper version first.
Photographers who are well-versed in piloting a drone by themselves can opt to buy more advanced drones that have the capability of carrying a larger camera. Some of the most popular models of drones that are currently being used for commercial photography include the DJI Phantom series. If you are confident about your drone flying skills then you can even go for the Iris by 3D Robotics. These drones may cost you around $800, but they are worth the cost. The quality of photos that you get from these drones is amazing.
There are other drones that come with an attached Go Pro camera such as DJI Phantom 2 but the cost is double of what you will pay for the ones mentioned above. Do keep in mind that better the camera you have on your drone, the higher the quality of pictures and videos you will be able to shoot.
The camera is the most important piece of equipment when you are interested in clicking great shots with the help of your drone. A crucial factor in the selection of the camera is its weight. The best camera in the market at the moment is the GoPro Hero3 Black edition which weighs a mere 73 grams and can give you high quality photos and videos. This camera has built-in Wi-Fi and is compatible with OEM and third party accessories. The accessories that you may want to buy include:
· Transmitter to increase the range of your link.
· Receiver to decrease the noise when you receive the video on the ground.
· Goggles to view the video feeds.
· Anti-gravity motors and specialized remote controls are also a few accessories that will improve your experience with your drone.
Drone Training Toronto
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